PRODUCT UPDATE - End of January. Good afternoon everyone. Hope you are all having a wonderful day.

31 Jan 2023, 13:00
PRODUCT UPDATE - End of January Good afternoon everyone! Hope you are all having a wonderful day Let's go through what Nash has done during the last months: 1) Home page improvement 2) Crypto wallet UI improvement 3) Token page improvement 4) Credit Card support on Fiat ramp 5) New Fiat ramp purchase flow 6) Improved token management - FE support 7) NEX NEO2 to NEO3 Bridge 8) New checkout experience on Earn, including Credit Cards and Open banking What we are currently working on: 1) Multi-currency virtual IBANs 2) NEX L2 staking on NEO3 - webapp 3) NEX NEO3 <-> Polygon bridge 4) Additional payment methods > support for more local instant-banks 5) Pending transaction notification > funds that are confirming on-chain will show as pending 6) App polish and additional bug fixes 💥 IBAN account 💥 Good news! Our teams have been working hard on IBAN account integration and the development process has been progressing smoothly. As we undergo extensive testing, we're not just waiting for the final regulatory approval. Instead, we're actively engaging with regulators to make sure everything is in order and to expedite the process. We understand that IBAN accounts are a highly-anticipated feature for many of our users, and we're doing all we can to bring it to you as soon as possible. With a focus on delivering the best possible experience, we're dedicated to ensuring a seamless and compliant rollout of IBAN accounts. We appreciate your patience and support as we work towards this exciting development. 📱 Mobile app 📱 During these last months we have been focusing a lot on the mobile app stability and performance, with us updating existing SDKs, improving our state channel integration and closing a lot of pesky bugs. One important aspect we have been focusing a lot of effort is the polishing of the compliance system. We made lots of improvements to our compliance system to keep up to date and streamline where possible. We are proud to say that we have created one of the most sophisticated compliance systems out there and are ready for new audits coming up this year. The focus for the near period in front of us will be to add new payment methods, kill any remaining bugs that impact user onboarding/revenue/user retention , complete the integration for our IBAN and add Pending tx notifications, a way to hold the user hand and informed on any transaction made from the wallet. ☎️ Marketing ☎️ We're thrilled to share that our marketing efforts have been ramping up. Our team has been polishing our tools and tactics to ensure that we are reaching the right people in the most effective way possible. We've already launched small campaigns to test the waters and gather data. Our SEO is complete, and we've been in talks with influential individuals and blogs to spread the word about Nash and all that it has to offer. I would like to thank our community for the continuous support. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them now! We'll stick around for the next hour.