Hey everyone. As mentioned recently, we are working on revamping our checkout page.

05 Oct 2022, 09:53
Hey everyone 👋 As mentioned recently, we are working on revamping our checkout page. We will have one page, with all supported payment methods shown in one place. As we want to be more open with what we're working on, and what's currently in QA, here's a little teaser video of the first round of testing. Please be aware, testing is done on testnet and this video is just the first iteration. This is not the final version, so don't mind if you see anything strange 👍 (any suggestions or ideas are welcome of course!) If this round of QA passes on testnet, we'll move over to production testing this week 💪 we'll of course keep you in the loop on the progress! Have a great day, Nash community ☀️